Noritaka tatehana est Fasciné par la mode depuis l'âge de 15 ans, diplomé de l'université Nationale des Arts de Tokyo. Noritaka Tatehana est spécialisé dans la teinture japonaise appelé Yuzen et Katazome. Il a été l'assistant de Yohei Fukada .
La collection 2010 est sous le thème de la "Métamorphose", une rencontre inhabituelle entre les matériaux et la nature pour des souliers uniques .
L'art de Noritaka Tatehana atteind des sommets avec cet escarpin compensé recouvert de plumes, qui culmine sous des sphères peu praticables.
Noritaka tatehana is Fascinated by the fashion since the age of 15 years, degreed by the National university of the Arts of Tokyo. Noritaka Tatehana is specialized in the Japanese dye called Yuzen and Katazome. He was the assistant of Yohei Fukada .
The collection 2010 is under the theme of the "Metamorphosis", an unusual meeting between materials and nature for unique shoes.
The art of Noritaka Tatehana reached of summits with this compensated shoes covered with feathers, which peaks under little feasible spheres.
The collection 2010 is under the theme of the "Metamorphosis", an unusual meeting between materials and nature for unique shoes.
The art of Noritaka Tatehana reached of summits with this compensated shoes covered with feathers, which peaks under little feasible spheres.
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